Empowering Everyday Changemakers in Agriculture and Conservation
OACA’s mission is to mobilize resources for HawaiÊ»i’s producers and agricultural ecosystem, contributing to collective efforts to address agriculture’s economic, social and environmental challenges. Our three programs are (1) mobilizing financial resources for agriculture, (2) conservation practices and education and (3) agrifood partnerships.
What We Do

Economic Development - Grants and Loans
What's your next step?
The world of grants and loans can be daunting to go at alone. You don't have to. OACA provides assistance with loan/grant application to advance the next step of your business. Our network of partners assist with strategic planning, business planning, conflict resolution, and more.

West Oahu SWCD
Cooperator Assistance with Conservation
OACA administers the West Oahu Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) operations. Established in 1950, West Oahu SWCD Cooperators receive many benefits from technical assistance and conservation planning to grading, grubbing and stockpiling exclusions.
Together We Farm
Trainings, grants, and technical assistance for farmers and ranchers
“Together We Farm” will be offered in 2021 through an online, self-paced platform. Awards and Grants are offered for those who complete at least one segment by March 15, 2021. Review eligibility requirements. Complete more courses - Increase your returns.
Register and start your courses today: OahuACA.tovuti.io
You Make All This Possible

OACA is a 501(c)3 Charitable nonprofit
EIN: 83-1975797
Checks can be made payable to:
Oahu Ag and Conservation Association
P.O. Box 4
92-1770 Kunia Road
Kunia, HI 96759
Questions? Contact us: